It was a surprise to find out that the Nicobar pigeon (ព្រាបកោះ) also lives in Cambodia. Such an elegant and gorgeous bird, and we don’t even know that we have them. I was as curious as you are about them so I did some research. Below are some facts and information about Nicobar pigeons, so check them out.


Nicobar Pigeon
image: Dennis Jarvis

Growing up to 40 centimeters, Nicobar pigeons are actually the largest pigeons in the world. A Nicobar pigeon has a gray head along with green and copper upper neck plumage while the rest of the plumage is metallic green. The iridescent feathers on a Nicobar pigeon’s body and wings along with its long hackles make it one of a kind. It has a short tail that is pure white in color, and its strong legs and feet are dull red. Females of this species are smaller than males, and they also have a smaller bill knob, shorter hackles, and browner underparts.


Nicobar Pigeon
image: Wikimedia Commons

Depending on where they come from, some Nicobar pigeons remain solitary while others live in flocks of 20 to 30 members. These birds usually build their nests high in the trees, and do not mind sharing their space with other birds at all. When in groups, they communicate with each other by uttering harsh guttural croaks. A Nicobar pigeon has a very powerful and swift flight with the capability of sustaining long distances as well. This allows these pigeons to fly from one island to another to search for food.

Feeding & Habitats

Nicobar Pigeon
image: Wikimedia Commons

Some of the most favorite foods of these pigeons are buds, corns, fruits, and seeds, especially grains. These pigeons like to feed on the ground where they can pick fleshy fruits and seeds off the forest floor. Sometimes they also take on insects and invertebrates that they find in the wild. The special thing about the Nicobar pigeons is the gizzard stone that they possess as it helps them to grind up hard food items. That way, they can eat hard nuts that humans need a hammer to open without a problem.

The Nicobar pigeons are originally from the Nicobar Islands of India, and that is how they got their name. Their distribution is also all the way to some Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Across their range, the Nicobar pigeons live in dry forests, lowland rainforests, mangroves, and shrublands. They like to nest in dense forests on offshore islets, usually in large colonies. A female Nicobar pigeon often builds a loose stick nest in a tree where she can safely lay her egg.


People hunt Nicobar pigeons for food due to their large size, and they also use their gizzard stone in jewelry as well. Some people trap them and sell them in local pet markets although this act is illegal in many countries. Apart from these, their habitats are facing threats from deforestation of wooden areas on small islands, illegal logging, and pollution. Plus with the natural predators such as cats and rats, they are not doing so well at the moment. This is why their population is now considered Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List.

Related Post: Rock Pigeon Facts

By bebe