Hawk-eagles (អក) are birds of prey that look like half eagle and half hawk, and that can be confusing at a glance. Each hawk-eagle species has its own distinctive features that make them unique from one another. There are 3 hawk-eagle species in Cambodia, and they are all very fascinating to look at and know about. Let’s find out what they are below, shall we?

Changeable Hawk-Eagle (អកព្រៃច្រើនពណ៌)

Hawk-Eagle Species
image: Wikimedia Commons

A changeable hawk-eagle is a large yet slender bird of prey that stands between 51 to 82 centimeters tall. There are two forms of this hawk-eagle, one with a crest on its head and one lacks that. In Cambodia, changeable hawk-eagles have crest feathers. The most interesting feature of the changeable hawk-eagle is definitely the crest on its head. A Cambodian’s changeable hawk-eagle’s measures from 10 to 14 centimeters, the longest crest among its Asiatic hawk-eagle species. Adults of this hawk-eagle species are typically dark brown above with bold streaks below. They have very strong feet and sharp talons that are extremely helpful for them when hunting.

This hawk-eagle species is considered the most widely distributed among the other members of the family. Its range is very large across the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia, living in cultivation with trees and forest villages. At the same time, they also inhabit deciduous forests, savannah woodland, semi-open habitats, tea plantations, and timbered watercourses. In those habitats, they prey on mammals, reptiles, and even vertebrates. Changeable hawk-eagles are non-migratory so they remain in the same area all year round. They are active during the day, spending most of their time perching and looking for prey.

Mountain Hawk-Eagle (អកភ្នំ)

Hawk-Eagle Species
image: Wikimedia Commons

Here we have a large bird of prey but bulkier and bigger than the previous hawk-eagle species and other members of its genus. A mountain hawk-eagle can grow from 69 up to 84 centimeters with a short crest on its head. It has dark brown upperparts with slightly paler edges, barred rufous and white underparts, and a gray-brown tail. And not different from other hawk-eagles out there, they also have super strong beaks and talons for hunting.

The distribution of the mountain hawk-eagle is through the Himalayas all the way to East Asia and Southeast Asia. These predators are the residents of dense hills, montane forests, and various mixed forests, primary evergreen forests, and wooded foothills. Those areas have abundant meal options such as amphibians, badgers, flying squirrels, hares, hedgehogs, moles, and primates. They also prey on smaller birds such as doves, mynas, nightjars, owls, pheasants, village poultry, and woodpeckers.

Rufous-Bellied Eagle (អកពោះត្នោត)

Hawk-Eagle Species
image: Wikimedia Commons

Probably the most different among the hawk-eagle species in Cambodia, rufous-bellied eagles are quite easy to recognize. Adults of this species have a black hood and short crest with chestnut underparts and wing coverts. The only white parts on their bodies are their breast and throat. And just like the name suggests, the belly of these birds is rufous but can be rusty-orange in some individuals.

These raptors are found in forested regions across tropical Asia such as disturbed forests, evergreen and mixed forests, and forest edges. In those areas, they feed on medium-sized birds, reptiles, and small mammals that they catch mid-air or on the ground. However, their population is not doing well at all. Drastic habitat loss due to deforestation has made this beautiful hawk-eagle species classified as Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List.

Related Post: Fish Eagle Species In Cambodia

By bebe