It is nothing new to come across strange-looking fruits that you are unfamiliar with when go you to different countries. In Cambodia, there are probably some fruits that you have never tried before. Don’t let the unique appearance stop you from trying those delicious fruits that you might like later. The list below contains 10 of those, and you should try them at least once to see how they are.

Burmese Grape (ផ្លែភ្ញៀវ)

Delicious Fruits
image: Wikimedia Commons

Sour yet addicting, Burmese grapes are one of the most popular fruits in Cambodia. It has nice flesh, and you can either leave or swallow the seeds. Normally, we like to dip the fruits in chili salt dipping as it elevates the taste of the fruit. It is seasonal, and you will find plenty of them from February onwards.

Custard Apple (ផ្លែទៀប)

Delicious Fruits
image: pxhere

This fruit is the perfect example of “Don’t judge the book by its cover.”, does not look pleasant but tastes nice. Custard apples are sweet, and they are very soft and nice to eat. You must not swallow the seeds, I don’t know why but we don’t swallow custard apple seeds here. Custard apples have a lot of health benefits, and they also help reduce stress in pregnant mothers too. The season for them starts in August, and they are the best in the dry season.

Jackfruit (ផ្លែខ្នុរ)

Delicious Fruits
image: Wikimedia Commons

One of my personal favorites, jackfruits have different varieties that you will come across. Some have very soft textures while others are a little hard and chewy. I like the latter the most because they taste better, and more convenient to eat. You can try both and see which one you like the most, the former tends to be sweeter in taste. Jackfruit is ideal as desserts and snacks, and it is available all year long.

Jambolan Plum (ផ្លែព្រីង)

Delicious Fruits
image: Wikimedia Commons

Jambolan plums or Java plums are one of Cambodian’s favorite fruits, especially during April and May. Looking like grapes but tasting absolutely different, Jambolan plums will give you a different flavor. These fruits are dark purple in color, and they actually make your tongue purple when you eat them enough. The best way to eat them is by mixing, marinating, or dipping them with chili salt dipping. They are sweet and sour in taste, and the bigger they are the better they taste.

Jujube (ផ្លែពុទ្រា)

Delicious Fruits
image: pixahive

Take a bite, and you can tell right away that it reminds you of an apple. Jujubes are smaller, and they are somehow crunchier which is more savory than an apple. Just like most fruits, we also dip jujubes with chili salt dipping to elevate the taste. Green jujubes probably taste the best, but dark red ones are delicious too.

June Plum (ផ្លែម្កាក់)

Delicious Fruits
image: The Nature

Pickled June plums are amazing, and they taste better when they are spicy. However, the quicker way to eat them is with the dippings, any types of dippings available actually. June plums are a little hard to bite, but they are crispier when they are cold. I prefer the smaller ones because they are easier to bite into and they don’t have seeds. Bigger ones have bigger seeds, and their seeds are inedible anyway.

Mangosteen (ផ្លែមង្ឃុត)

Delicious Fruits
image: rawpixel

Dark purple on the outside and white on the inside, mangosteens are sweet and savory fruits that we like to eat. As for the seeds, you can swallow them if they are not too big. The thing about mangosteens here is that we don’t dip them in sugar because we believe it is a deadly combination. I grow up reading about people trying to commit suicide by eating mangosteen dipped in sugar. Some worked and some didn’t, but I don’t remember taking the risk.

Maprang (ម៉ាក់ប្រាង)

Delicious Fruits
image: Wikimedia Commons

Mango plum or Maprang in Khmer is a nice and sweet fruit that tastes great. You can eat them with the skin, just make sure to properly wash them first. Crunchy skin with soft flesh, Maprang is one of the best fruits to try in Cambodia. They smell great, and they are full of nutrients which is very good to eat.

Otaheite Gooseberry (កន្ទួត)

Delicious Fruits
image: Wikimedia Commons

So small yet so addicting, Otaheite Gooseberries are sour and sweet with a hint of astringent. They taste better when pickled with chili, salt, and some sugar. I can eat so many of them because they are so good. The only downside is that you will have to spit out the seeds because they are inedible.

Rambutan (សាវម៉ាវ)

Delicious Fruits
image: pexels

Rambutans do not look good, but their sweetness is one of a kind. I always use a knife to cut them open and then squeeze the fruit out because it is easier and faster. Rambutans are easy to find, and we often buy them in kilos. Their seeds are inedible, and they taste great by themselves.

Santol (បំពេញរាជ្យ)

image: Wikimedia Commons

Looks exactly like mangosteen but is different in color and taste, santol is one of the most popular fruits in Cambodia. They are sweet and sour with a touch of astringent taste a little bit. The best santols are the ones marinated with chili, salt, and sugar. And just like mangosteens, avoid swallowing the seeds if they are too big. The moment I mentioned santol, my colleagues began ordering santol to be delivered to our office right away. Santols are this good, all the more reasons for you to try.

Sapodilla (ល្មុត)

image: Wikimedia Commons

There are two types of sapodilla, hard and soft. I don’t fancy the hard ones because they are quite astringent and hard to bite. The soft ones are soft, of course, and sweeter which are more savory to eat. Sapodillas smell really good, and they are super nice to eat too. Peel the skin, and cut the fruit into small pieces. They taste better when chilled, you should definitely try them.

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By bebe