Custard apple aka sugar apple is an apple-sized and weird-looking fruit that is quite popular in Cambodia. Native to India, there are quite many interesting things about custard apples and we are talking about them today. Custard apples have been around for ages, and the best part you can also see them on the carvings of Angkor Wat temple. That is very solid proof of the ancient origins of this fruit, and we are talking about it more below.


image: Wallpaper Flare

What’s so fascinating about Annona Squamosa L., aka custard apple is that their fruits vary in shape and size. The only thing that they all have in common is their irregular shape because some are heart-shaped oblong, or spherical. Custard apples can be anything from 7 centimeters to 12 centimeters depending on the cultivar. The fruit has a tough outer skin but is also delicate when ripen which is easy to crush.

When ripen, the tiny beads on the skin will expand and break a little, giving a very aromatic scent. Between the gaps of the break will turn dark yellow, and that is when you know the fruit is ready. The flesh of custard apples can be very juicy and sweet but also astringent sometimes, yet always aromatic. In Cambodia, people eat custard apples after a meal as desserts, blend them as smoothies, or eat them as snacks. For foreigners, some add them to cake, flavored yogurt fruit salad, or even soup.

Note: The seeds of these fruits contain scanty toxic compounds that affect the brain and nervous system. So make sure to remove the seeds before eating one.

Health Benefits

These extraordinary fruits are loaded with fibers, minerals, and vitamins, making it so beneficial for our health. Some of them are:

  • Custard apples help boost immunity while reducing inflammation.
  • The vitamins A and C that it contains also help prevent acne and wrinkles while maintaining healthy glowing skin.
  • Custard apples are high in fiber so they are very helpful when it comes to digestion. Simply put, it detoxifies the body and prevents constipation.
  • The magnesium and potassium that they are rich in reduce blood pressure levels by dilating narrowed blood vessels. That also means they lower the risks of heart disease and stroke.
  • They contain many antioxidants such as flavonoids, kaurenoic acid, phenolic compounds, and vitamin C. These antioxidants fight free radicals associated with cancer (breast cancer, colon cancer, and stomach cancer), chronic diseases, and heart diseases. The benefits also protect our eyes from oxidative damage and lower the risk of age-related cataracts, macular degeneration, and vision loss.
  • We also believe that custard apples are good for pregnant women as it helps with mood changes and discomfort. Consuming custard apples regularly also helps with milk production while reducing the risks of miscarriage as well as pain during the delivery. The best part is it does not only help the mother but also the baby with their immune system and nerve system development.

Side Effects

image: pixahive

Alongside the benefits, there are also many side effects that you should be aware of. Bear in mind that the drawbacks of custard apples are only when you overconsume them. Just a few fruits does not cause any of the side effects below at all.

  • Being so sweet, custard apples contain so many calories which can easily lead to weight gain. They contain good amounts of sugar which are not ideal for people suffering from diabetes.
  • Custard apples are not ideal for people with low blood pressure as they can cause the blood pressure level to dangerously drop. At the same time, it can also lead to other issues like dehydration, dizziness, and fainting.
  • Another thing is that they also contain a lot of fiber which can cause bloating. Excessive fiber can also diarrhea as well as vomiting in some people. Eating too many custard apples can also cause abdominal pain because of the excessive fiber content.

Related Post: Delicious Fruits To Try In Cambodia

By bebe