It takes a lot to be in the book of Guinness World Records, and it is somehow a great pride. While many individuals and countries have their own special records, Cambodia has quite several too. In case you don’t know what Cambodia’s Guinness World Records are, a quick list below is going to introduce you to them. Let’s take a look and see which one impresses you the most.

A Modern Royal With The Most State Roles

Cambodia’s Guinness World Records
image: Wikimedia Commons

Who: (Former) King Norodom Sihanouk (1922 – 2012)

King Norodom Sihanouk, the father of Cambodia’s independence, holds the Guinness World Record for serving in the highest number of state roles as a monarch. His interest was more toward politics, and he had wondrous international relations skills. Even China has a palace for him, and Chinese people respected him as one of their emperors.

The King was crowned in 1941, but he abdicated the throne to his father Suramarit in 1955 to enter politics. Then his Sangkum Reastr Niyum Party won the election, so he became Prime Minister from 1955 to 1966. At the same time, he also served the country as the Head of State and Regent from 1960 to 1970. In 1970, he was also the Head of the Government-In-Exile. Until 1976, he became present before becoming President-In-Exile from 1982 to 1988.

A year later, he became Head of the Government-In-Exile again from 1989 to 1991. In 1991, he was President of the National Council and Head of State from 1991 to 1993. He became king again in 1993 before passing down the throne to his son in 2004.

Largest Freshwater Fish

image: National Geographic

Species: Giant Barb & Whip Ray

Giant barb is Cambodia’s national fish, and the longest specimen which is around 1.8 meters was recorded in 2018. That was the biggest giant barb ever recorded, giving Cambodia another Guinness World Record.

Then last year in 2022, Cambodian fishermen collected the largest Giant Freshwater Stingray aka Whip Ray in the Mekong River. The ray was 3.98 meters long, and weighed around 300 kilograms. A month later, a specimen of the same species was also found but it was only around 180 kilograms.

Largest Madison Dance

Participants: 2,015

On 15 April 2015, the Union of Youth Federation of Cambodia (UYFC) broke the Guinness World Record for the largest Madison dance. Took place in Siem Reap during Khmer New Year, there were 2015 participants joining the dance. Madison is one of Cambodia’s most popular dances that is common among festive celebrations and occasions. Learning how to dance Madison takes just a minute, and the more people dance the more enjoyable it is.

Largest Religious Structure

Cambodia’s Guinness World Records
image: pinterest

Size: 162. 6 Hectares

Located in the most ancient and best tourist destination in Cambodia, Angkor Wat is the largest religious structure ever built. Khmer King Suryavarman II began the building in 1113, and King Jayavarman VII finished the structure in 1150. Along with that, this largest religious monument in the world is also one of the 7 Wonders of the world as well. On the walls of Angkor Wat are carvings of angels and many historical events of Hindu cultures. Angkor Wat is a powerful symbol of Cambodia, and it also appears on this country’s national flag as well.

Largest Traditional Sticky Rice Cake

Cambodia’s Guinness World Records
image: Guinness World Records

Weight: 4,040 Kilograms

One day before breaking Guinness World Records for the largest Madison dancing, Cambodia also broke another record for the largest sticky rice cake. Cambodia Chef Association worked together with hundreds of volunteers to prepare and make this rice cake. It took hours to prepare, and it was given away for free to those who were at the event.

Aka Num Ansorm, sticky rice cake is one of the traditional rice cakes that Cambodian people make during special events. They are common during Khmer New Year and weddings, as well as other celebrations. The purpose of making the largest sticky rice cake is to make Sangkranta even more enjoyable. We also wanted to show tourists and everyone what we can do and achieve, and how creative we are.

Longest Alphabet

Cambodia’s Guinness World Records
image: Poun Seak

Number: 74 Letters

Khmer Language has the longest alphabet in the world, consisting of 33 consonants, 23 vowels, and 12 independent vowels. It is our pride as Cambodian people because our language is very special and unique. Because of our large alphabet, we are able to create any pronunciation and sound in our writing. With that being said, forming and reading the pronunciation of words in other languages is not a problem for us. As long as we can write those words down using our alphabet, there is nothing that we cannot read.

Things are a little unfortunate for foreigners who are studying Khmer because of how we pronounce our words. However, achieving and being able to read and speak Khmer is a great success you will be proud of.

Longest Circus Show

image: Viriya

Duration: Over 24 Hours

Phare Ponleu Selpak is Cambodia’s most famous circus troupe, and they succeeded in their attempt to set a Guinness World Record. The performance was held in Battambang province, and it lasted for 24 hours, 10 minutes, and 30 seconds. Besides the record, it was also the troupe’s attempt to raise funds to survive during the pandemic as well.

The special thing about Phare Ponleu Selpak is that it was founded by Cambodian refugees and victims of the Khmer Rouge Genocide. This troupe has helped hundreds of families and disadvantaged children through traumas they experienced. They also have the purpose to restore the country’s culture and education by creating a popular animal-free circus.

Longest Dragon Boat

Cambodia’s Guinness World Records
image: Asian Amazing Culture and Community

Length: 87.3 Meters

Took over 6 months to build, and UYFC finally did it again with the Guinness World Record breaking. The boat can accommodate 179 oarsmen, and it broke the previous record held by China which was 77.8 meters. This dragon boat costs about $60,000 to build, using just the best materials to ensure both durability and quality. They used 6 straight logs and several stumps to form the structure of the boat. As for the timber, UYFC used Koki Msoav (Hopea Odorata) trees because they are highly water-resistant.

The boat went through several blessing ceremonies during the construction process from the beginning until the final stage. It finished just in time for Water Festival, and it has the purpose to remember the history of the Khmer people. Each year, Cambodia celebrates Water Festival which lasts for 3 days, involving boat racing. It commemorates Khmer kings in history to used dragon boats as means of transportation to defend the territory. Cambodian people also celebrate the festival to thank the god of water and land for a successful harvest as well.

Longest Hand-Woven Scarf

image: xinhuanet

Length: 1,148.8 Meters

On 1st July, 2018, GoGoCambodia successfully created the longest hand-woven scarf and broke the Guinness World Record. It shows incredible culture and pride, and Cambodia was also the first country to have this attempt. This scarf took almost 5 months to make, by weavers from 20 weaving communities in Cambodia. The making of this scarf also showed the solidarity and the spirit of the people who put effort into achieving something so big.

Krama (Scarf) is Cambodia’s cultural and traditional woven scarf that has been around for centuries. This sturdy garment made from cotton provides many benefits in Cambodian people’s daily lives. It functions as a bandanna, scarf, hammock for children, body towel, and many more. Modern day artists even use this fabric to create clothing items as well. Krama comes from Cambodia and it belongs to Cambodia as no other country in Southeast Asia uses it.

Related Post: National Plants & Animals Of Cambodia

By bebe