A pied bush chat (ពពិចខ្មៅចុងខ្នងស) is one of the little birds that are common in Cambodia. They are one of the birds people know as little birds but never know their actual names. So today we are going to talk about a thing or two about pied bush chats together. Just some basic information so that you know more about them, feel free to check out more below.


Pied Bush Chat
image: Wikimedia Commons

As a tiny bird, a pied bush chat is only around 13 centimeters long which is very small. Male pied bush chats have black plumage with white lower belly, rump, and wing patches. They have dark brown irises and black bill and legs. Female pied bush chats have dark brown upperparts and are slightly streaked with rufous rump and underparts and without white wing patches.


image: pixabay

Pied bush chats are ordinary birds with a simple breeding habit, and their breeding season is from February to August. Where they live, they build their nests in cavities in holes in an embankment or stone walls using animal hair and grass. The females lay 2 to 6 eggs, and they mostly incubate the eggs alone for 12 to 13 days. When the chicks hatch, both parents will take turns feeding them for 10 to 11 until they fledge.

Feeding & Habitats

Pied Bush Chat
image: Wikimedia Commons

The range of these little birds is from Central Asia and West Asia to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia. Their other habitats are arable land, dry savannas, grasslands, marshes, plantations, river margins, rural gardens, and swamps. Across their ranges, they live in countryside, grassland, and open scrub where they perch on top of short thorn trees. Sometimes they also perch on shrubs to look out for insect prey such as moths and whiteflies. They usually catch prey in the air but also feed on the ground.

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By Bebé

Just a simple girl who loves doing research and writing about various topics in the world. This is my second blog, and it is entirely about Cambodia. You can always let me know if there are any specifc topics you want to know about my country, I will happily do research and write for you :)