Perchlet is a small fish species that is native to Southeast Asia, and they are one interesting fish. Among the 20 perchlet fish species, there are 4 of them living in Cambodia. One of their common traits is the translucent or semi-transparent body, and they are one of Cambodian’s favorite food. If you are new to them, feel free to check the perchlet fish species in Cambodia below.

Buru Glass Perchlet (ត្រីកញ្ចាញ់ច្រាស)

Perchlet Fish Species
image: ADirectrory

A Buru glass perchlet usually grows to a length of 8.2 centimeters, and it also has an elongated body. This fish has a small mouth that is so close to the eyes, and its compressed body has a deeply forked caudal fin. The body of the fish is semi-transparent with a greenish-black dorsal while the head, belly, and mid-lateral band are silvery. As for the distribution, it is across Southeast Asia all the way to Southern Japan. Buru glass perchlets are residents of coastal, estuary, and freshwater where they live in shallow depths of inshore waters and mangroves.

Duskyfin Glassy Perchlet (ត្រីកន្ត្រងប្រេង)

Perchlet Fish Species
image: iNaturalist

Duskyfin glassy perchlets are one good-looking fish with a transparent body that can reach up to 20 centimeters long. With a unique body shape, this is one of the attractive perchlet species as ornamental fish. Males are rather more popular due to the colored edge of the anal and dorsal fins. It takes patience to have these perchlets in the tank if you decide to raise them young. Adult ones are easier to feed, and they adapt really well to the new environments. The duskyfin glassy perchlet lives in the Mekong Delta as well as other freshwater bodies in Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Iridescent Glassy Perchlet (ត្រីកញ្ចាញ់ច្រាសធំ)

image: iNaturalist

Just like the name suggests, this perchlet species is iridescently gorgeous with its highly transparent body. Speaking of body, an iridescent glassy perchlet can grow to around 10 centimeters in length. Its silver-gray body is translucent with a subtle iridescence that makes its internal organs visible which is quite eye-catching. The combination of beauty and coloration also makes it one of the most popular aquarium fish as well. Not different from most perchlet species out there, this one is also native to Southeast Asia. These perchlets like to live in lakes, rivers, and streams where they live in floodplains and sluggish rivers of lower Mekong. Where they live, these fish feed on aquatic invertebrates and insects.

Vachelli’s Glass Perchlet (ត្រីកញ្ចាញ់ច្រាសលឿង)

Perchlet Fish Species
image: Fishes of Australia

This perchlet species goes by many names but many call them common perchlet, probably because of how common they are. A common perchlet is a little fish that reaches only around 6.5 centimeters but they look just as good as other perchlets. It has a long and compressed body that is semi-transparent with a lateral line in the middle. Vachelli’s glass perchlets are found in schools over most substrates in both fast-flowing and still brackish waters. Their common habitats are bays, coastal reefs, estuaries, mangrove creeks, rivers, and streams where they feed on benthic organisms.

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By Bebé

Just a simple girl who loves doing research and writing about various topics in the world. This is my second blog, and it is entirely about Cambodia. You can always let me know if there are any specifc topics you want to know about my country, I will happily do research and write for you :)